
gmgm, I'm an ex-entrepreneur and a retired content creator. Here's what I was doing before and I'll drop a few words on what I'm cooking now

BD and Growth for Scrib3 clients a crypto-native GTM agency working with over 30 projects from across the ecosystems including L1s, L2s, DeFi and NFTfi projects. Some clients: Optimism, Uniswap Foundation, Wormhole, Ava Labs and more

What I do: things like end-to-end partnerships, strategy, research + analysis, points programmes etc,

What's for you: we got a wide network and expertise so let me know if I can intro you to someone or just want to chat about growth in web3. We're also hiring

Blockchain Scotland

The leading blockchain industry association in Scotland, backed by Superteam (powered by Solana) and Dabl club (powered by Polygon), and partnered with EY.

What I do: help organize the monthly events, get feedback from the community, find opportunities for our community, and overall run ops.

What's for you: If you want give a talk (we get 30-40 attendees) or do a custom work shop for devs, just reach out

Vibes in the FHE space

I write a weekly newsletter,, where I find and curate the cool highights from the Privacy space (FHE + ZK etc).

I also work with which is an L2 on Ethereum, powered by FHE Rollups & FHE Coprocessors. I mainly vibe there and bring cool people to the events.

What's for you: I've somehow spoken with any of the big players in FHE. If you need connected (for BD or a job role) to someone, reach out.

Things I plan on exploring eventually

So yeah, that's mostly it I think. Ping me if you there's anything I can help you with or wanna discuss a collab.

More links

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